Basic Shared Web Portal For Hosting SA4WIN Data


  • This Portal Will Allow You to Host Your SA4WIN Data & Provide Web Access To One or More Society
  • Will have ftp link for uploading of file (One link Per Society)
  • This will Serve As Secure Back Up & Viewing of Data Thru A Browser on Any Device     (Computers/ Tabs/ Phones)
  • First Time Creation of Accounts will be done by Us There by Speeding the Implementation.
  • Each Account (Member/Secretary) Can Change His Password after Successful Login
  • Each Account(Member/Secretary) Can Recover His Password Through (Forgot Password) on His Email Account
  • The Secretary Account Can View/Print  Member Ledgers & Bills of Any Member
  • Member Can View/Print His Member Ledger & Bills

Member Login DEMO_F02

Secretary Login DEMO_MANAGER

Password Same as Login Name

Accounting & Inventory Management System




The Accounting & Inventory Management is a parameterised menu driven package for computerising the entire activities of any business. It allows simultaneous entry of data & viewing of reports from two or more computers.

It has Company, Account, Customer, Supplier, Broker, Analysis, Tax, Item, BOM & Group Masters. It has Receipts, Payments, Journals, Sales/Purchase Invoice, Credit Notes, & Allocation entries for Accounts & Issue, Receipt, Sales, Purchase, Sales Return, Purchase Return, & Adjustments entry for Inventory. In Order Module it can generate Quotation, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Job Inward, Job Out Ward & Work Order. A user can start by entering a Quotation which can be converted into an Sales Order, against which challans are made, Invoices are then generated from these challans which update the entire accounts right up to the balance sheet. Though the entire integration is available it is not mandatory to proceed in the said fashion, this means that the user can directly generate a invoice which may update accounts or inventory or both. Also user can just make the accounting entries without using the Inventory or Order module. It can also print vouchers, receipts, cheques, labels, outstanding, balance/loan confirmation & pending form reminder letters. It generates bank reconciliation, form reconciliation reports. It can calculate interest on capital, loan, overdraft & outstanding bills. Besides all mandatory accounting & stock books & ledger & financial statements it provides great analysis which gives a better visibility into one’s business.